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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

The Speed of House Fires | SERVPRO of Fayetteville

5/14/2024 (Permalink)

home on fire No matter how great the damage is, SERVPRO of Fayetteville is Here to Help® you restore your property to preloss condition.

The unexpected nature of house fires is something that we all tend to fear. A fire could break out at any moment due to a faulty wire or an unforeseen problem with an appliance like your dryer. In any case, house fires can grow exponentially in minutes and can become life-threatening situations just as fast.

Getting out of your house during a house fire should always be your top priority, so having a plan in place to exit your home and reconnect with your family outside is crucial.

Our team explains more below about how quickly fire spreads and how we can help once you are out safely, so read on to learn more.

The Minutes That Matter

House fires can be caused by a variety of factors and can range from a true accident to negligence around a flame in the kitchen or a forgotten candle. No matter how the fire starts, it can quickly grow to take over your entire room or home in a short amount of time.

After 30 seconds: The small flame grows into a large fire that starts to consume combustibles around it.

After one minute: Black smoke begins to build, and the cloud fills the entire room.

After two minutes: Blackout conditions can occur, and the toxic fumes can disorient you.

After five minutes: Your entire home could be consumed by the flames.

Responding to a Fire

If you are in the room when a fire breaks out, you have the option to stay and fight the fire if you feel comfortable doing so. Throwing a pot lid over a grease fire or sweeping your fire extinguisher across the flames can help control the situation. However, if you ever feel unsafe at any point, back away and find the closest exit.

If you are in an interior room and can’t get out immediately, stay low to stay below the smoke line and crawl if you have to. Even just one deep inhale of that smoke can leave you dizzy and confused, which can make it really hard to find the exit. Once you are safely outside, call 911 and meet up with your family.

The Recovery Process

You are probably running on adrenaline throughout the entire process, but once the fire is out and the fire trucks drive away, that feeling will fade and you will be left to deal with the aftermath. However, SERVPRO of Fayetteville is here to ensure this disaster becomes only a memory for you.

Our fire damage restoration team is trained to handle any sort of fire damage situation and we will work hard to clean, sanitize, restore and repair every inch of your damaged home. We can rebuild entire rooms or sections of your house, and we can ensure the soot and lingering smoke is taken care of quickly. No matter how your fire started, our team will take care of you.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville is here for you day and night. Call us for immediate fire damage restoration assistance.

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