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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Top Tips for Preparing for Floods | SERVPRO of Fayetteville

5/20/2024 (Permalink)

home bedroom extreme flood Are you left with the aftermath of floodwater damage? Don't hesitate to contact SERVPRO of Fayetteville. We want to help.

Flood conditions can develop quickly and can lead to serious situations that can even be dangerous if you aren’t prepared. Flash floods are actually more common than you think and could affect us at a moment’s notice here in Fayetteville.

Knowing what to do before, during and after a flood can help you navigate this frustrating disaster situation with more confidence. Check out our tips below to learn more.

Getting Ready 

Pay attention to the daily forecast and especially if there are any alerts or watches being issued. Keep in mind that flash flood watches and warnings can be issued even if it is not raining yet. 

If an alert is issued for our area, start getting your home ready right away. Tidy up your yard by removing yard debris, children’s toys and lawn equipment. Tie down any heavy objects that can’t be moved inside, like patio furniture or trampolines. Believe it or not, just a few inches of fast-moving water can sweep away even heavy items such as these.

Set up your downspouts to point away from your home, and head inside to locate your emergency kit. Edit or add anything that you may need, and consider filling up some reusable bottles of fresh water just in case. 

Flooding situations can sometimes impact our fresh water supply and the taps may not be safe to drink from for a while after the flood. 

What to Do Afterward

If water does start flowing into your home, do your best not to panic. We know that it can seem scary to see water fill up your basement or watch it leak down your walls, but the only thing you should do at that moment is stay above the water line and wait for the storm to pass. 

As soon as the threat is over and water has stopped rushing in, move carefully about your home. Even just a small amount of standing water can have a significant impact on your home’s structural integrity. 

Avoid walking through the water because it could be harboring all kinds of dangerous things. Chemicals, storm runoff, sewage and other hazards in the water could make you really sick if you come into contact with them.

Recovering After a Flood  

Take a walk around your property and identify any damage by taking photos. These pictures are a crucial part of your insurance claim as we will want to get started on your restoration right away. Fresh images will help ensure you are getting as much out of your claim as possible. 

Our team will get right to work removing the standing water while also using our thermal cameras to detect hidden moisture if the flood water leaked behind your walls or under your floors. 

Our specialized equipment will get every drop, don’t worry! Standing water can also warp walls and ruin carpet and ceilings. Our restoration team will tackle these repairs for you as well so you can recover completely.

A quick flood restoration is essential. Contact us 24/7 if your home is damaged by floodwater.

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